
Fremont Search and Rescue is always looking for dedicated volunteers to join the Team! We are an all-volunteer based organization that operates under the umbrella of the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office. Volunteers come from all walks of life with the common goal of serving their community, at all hours, in all seasons, and in all conditions – so that when those in Fremont County need search or rescue assistance, we are ready to help at a moment’s notice.

What do I need to bring to the team?

An interest in the outdoors, the ability to make a certain time commitment, and a willingness to learn provide an excellent foundation.  You don’t need to have any special skills, certifications or a background in medical, military or law enforcement to join Fremont Search and Rescue. The team holds regular trainings to develop Search and Rescue skills and keep them sharp. Fremont Search and Rescue provides an excellent opportunity to learn new skills from folks with years of experience!

Where Do I Start?

The first step to becoming a member is to attend one of our monthly business meetings. These are held the second Tuesday of every month at “The SAR Yard” located at 1901 E. Main Street in Canon City at 6:30pm.  The meetings are open to the public and anyone interested in joining the Team.

Probationary Member

The first step in joining is to become a Probationary Member. This process is pretty straight forward and does not require any special skills or knowledge, however certain requirements must be met. Probationary Members are encouraged to attend all Team Meetings and Trainings, and all Members, are required to attend a minimum of seven Team Meetings and seven Team Trainings per rolling calendar year.  Probationary members may go on missions but will have limited responsibilities.

Attend two consecutive Team Meetings and Team Trainings.

We hold Team Meetings once per month (the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm) and at least one Team Training per month (the second Saturday of the month). Attending two consecutive meetings and two consecutive trainings provides an overview of what Fremont Search and Rescue is all about and whether it might be a good fit for you.

Application To Join

Once the attendance requirements are met, the next step is to complete a Team Application. Because we work under the direction of Sheriff’s office, the application process will include a background check. You will also need to successfully complete 3 online ICS courses (ICS 100, 200 and 700), and complete a Basic First Aid and CPR certification.

Interview With the Team Leadership

After your background check, courses, and certifications are complete, you will be invited to an interview with Team Leadership (the Board of Directors). This is a opportunity for everyone to ask any remaining questions or bring up any potential concerns. After the interview, based on approval by the Board of Directors you will be an official Fremont Search and Rescue Probationary Member – ready to start the process to becoming a Full Member of the Team!

Full FSAR Member

The Team provides support and guidance to help Probationary Members achieve Full Member status. To become a Full Member, Probationary Members must maintain the attendance requirements and pass both a written classroom test and a field test to demonstrate the basic skills and understanding required for search and rescue operations. Our Team requirements align with the SARTech-II certification requirements.

Classroom Training

Classroom Training focuses on developing foundational skills before they are applied in the Field.  Topics may include Maps and Navigation, Knots and Rope Systems, or Radios and Communications.  This format encourages questions and allows ample time to develop foundational skills.

Field Training

Field Training is where it all comes together, and we utilize our combined foundational skills in a Scenario application in the Field.  Topics may include Search Operations, High Angle Rope Rescue, or an Overnight Exercise.  This format encourages problem solving and allows the opportunity to integrate multiple foundational skills.

Quick Start

Step #1: Become Prospective Member

  1. Attend two consecutive meetings
  2. Attend two consecutive team trainings
  3. Fill out membership application
  4. Pass background check
  5. Interview with Team Leadership

Step #2: Become a Full Member

  1. Study and train for team certification
  2. Pass field tests
  3. Pass classroom tests


Are you part of the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office?

Although Fremont Search and Rescue is a separate 501(c)3 non-profit organization, we work very closely under the direction of the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office.

Are there paid positions on the Team?

Who pays for Search and Rescue

What does it cost to join Fremont Search and Rescue?

If I join, how much time will it take?

Do I need any special skills/training?

Do I need to have medical training?

What areas do you cover?

What are other responsibilities besides search and rescue will I have?

How do SAR missions work?

How long do SAR missions last?

I work full time, can I help?

Can I bring my own gear?

How old do I need to be?